Thursday, March 30, 2006

keep asking

"The great mass of people...will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one." - Adolf Hitler

What really happened on 9-11? I know this isn't the hottest story of the day anymore, but don't let 9-11 become old news my friends. If you do, you won't truly be able to process the events surrounding this wicked war we're fighting, and you'll be duped into accepting the long stream of lies and excuses that continue to filter from the oval office. New York magazine is keeping the issue front and center. This week, their feature article centers on the conspiracies that continue to swirl around the events surrounding September 11th. What's more revealing is, there seems to be an awful lot of truth found in what they are writing off as conspiracies. It's up to us to keep asking questions until we get the whole truth.


1) 1,800 degrees The temperature at which hydrocarbon-fueled fires max out. 2,700 degrees The temperature at which steel melts. So how did the towers weaken sufficiently to fall in such a short time--56 minutes in the case of the South Tower?

2) 19 The alleged number of terrorists who ALL were able to trick security in different locations with fake ID's and passports, and get on board airplanes with boxcutters. Plan doing something illegal with nineteen of your closest buddies. I guarantee at least ONE person will get caught.

3) 5 The number of men spotted filming the attacks the morning of 9-11 from a near by park. They were pulled over by cops near Giants Stadium. All were Israelis with ties to Mossad. Was 911 Israel's way of getting the U.S. to support them against their Muslim foes?

4) March 4th, 2001The date "Lone Gunmen", a conspiracy-themed drama on Fox, aired a show about a government plot to crash a remote-controlled 727 into the World Trade Center, as an excuse to raise the military budget. On the show, the government planned to blame the attack on a "tin-pot" dictator", who was "begging to be smart-bombed".

5) September 11th - The date the founding fathers of this nation, who were mostly Masons, opened the Constitutional Convention in 1786. The date accepted amongst theologians and scholars as the accurate birth date of Jesus Christ in 3 b.c.. The date ground was broken to build the Pentagon in 1941. The date Kissinger chose in 1973 to overthrow the Chilean government. The troubled Munich Olympic Games, in which 11 Israelis were killed by terrorists, end on this date in 1972.

6) 0 - The amount of plane debris pulled from the Pentagon attack. How does a 757 crash into a building, yet there is no black box, no wings, no engines...and where are all the bodies?

7) 58 - The number of people assumed to be on Flight 77 that allegedly crashed into the Pentagon. If no plane crashed into the Pentagon, what really happened to all those people?

8) 3 - The number of World Trade Center buildings that collapsed on 9-11. Building 7 wasn't hit by a plane, so why did it also collapse in a calculated way, much like towers 1 and 2?

9) 30 - In 1999, the armed services hit it's lowest recruitment numbers in 30 years. Just after 9-11, a huge recruitment resurgence began, and recruitment numbers were once again being met.

Something foul happened on 9-11. A lot of innocent people died on tv, and our government knows why. Something just as foul happened in New Orleans. Too many accounts of the sounds of bombs going off right before the levies broke, and lots of innocent people died on tv. We can't just accept this people. We have to keep asking....why. One.


Darni said...

When daring to ask the questions, be prepared for the crucifixion. Defamation of character, just to name a few: crazy, anti-american -- oh god LIBERAL -- or forced (for a time) to sit down and shut up (like was done with Cynthia Mckinney). When she lost her position in 02 to Majette, she was called crazy and a loon and anti-american. Now, no matter what she does, those words continued to be used to describe her all because she dared to ask the questions and to speak the truth. People are afraid of that, being pointed out, isolated . . . its easier for many to just go along. You get more hits, pats on the back, welcomed into the club when you go along with the status quo. America is still in high school.

I've never heard anything on #3. Very interesting theory.

The month of September has always been formidable and creepy for me. On 9/11/1998 I lost EVERYTHING to an apartment fire that began next door to me. I believe that date has some bad luck in it somewhere . . .

Anonymous said...

look wat append ,append
its done
why yall rakin it up now fo
yeh the goverment dont tell us shit or the truth
but thats how it is
nufin gonna change unless we wnat it to
-xkeep yo ass upx-
MaKaVeLi fO LIfE!!!