"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - ralph waldo emerson
I'm surrounded by women, young, old, single, divorced, happy, bitter. They all have something in common. None of them have a significant romantic relationship in their lives, nor do they seem to have the slightest inkling of how to achieve and maintain one. These women meet men all the time and rarely get excited about them. Yet, when excitement does find their heart, a rush of over zealous emotions and actions lead to a relationship built on intimacy not interest. What these beautiful, intelligent women end up with is an on again off again lover rather than a soul mate, or the speed with which they want to move pushes their potential Mr. Right, right out the door. So how do these ladies deal with the aftermath? They go through phases of really casual relationships, followed by bouts of celibacy. They read books, join churches, write, become very goal oriented and focus on themselves. But deep down, that need to find a life partner of their own, to really know love, and even to start a family of their own never diminishes.
There is no blueprint for love. However, I've seen enough sistas make the wrong moves so often that I think it's time I shared a little advice and shed a little light on the situation. I'm going to offer a few tips that won't guarantee love, but will definitely put you on the path to finding something significant. Mind you, there are exceptions to every rule, but if you play by these rules, you'll significantly increase your success rate.
Never, ever date strangers. I don't care how great they seem or how good they look, do yourself a favor, don't do it. Here's the thing about a stranger, all you know about him is what he tells you. That's putting a huge amount of trust into someone for absolutely no reason. Trust is not a starting point, it's a destination. The minute you start dating a stranger, you make trust a starting point, thus setting yourself up to be lied to. Here is a simple dating rule. Only date people you know OR people who come with a reference. This gives you the advantage. By knowing the person, or knowing someone who knows the person you're dating, it gives you the opportunity to gather more information about the person than they may even be ready to reveal. It gives you the chance to think about all the things you've experienced with this person, or heard about them. Now you have a knowledge base to begin from. It also helps if the person you're dating has to be accountable of their actions to someone besides you. This is the beauty of meeting people through your friends. Common friends creates a situation where, the person can't just treat you any ole kind of way. Treating you bad could affect not only what you think of them, but what their friends think of them as well. Also, it helps the vetting process. If people you respect, can recommend someone they respect, all this mutual respect will drift over into your potential relationship. Once again, it doesn't guarantee love, but it will alleviate wasted time with someone absolutely wrong for you.
Also, if you want to increase your dating pool, don't go out and meet more men. Go out and meet more women with male friends. Your female friends make the perfect buffer between you and what's out there.
Your friends are married, and have houses, and kids. So the f*ck what! Excuse my French, but trying to "keep up with the Jones's" is a perfect recipe for disaster. Life and the changes life brings comes at us in due time. So don't go throwing all your standards and expectations out the window in a rush to find any ole man.
You know that man showing you some interest. Well, I'm not sure if he's Mr. Right, or Mr. Wrong. But one thing I am definitely sure of, he wants to tap that ass! And that's all he will want UNLESS you give him a reason to want more with you. Men are very skeptical of things that come too easy to them. Let me repeat this. MEN ARE VERY SKEPTICAL OF THINGS THAT COME TO EASY TO THEM. So if you really want him to stick around, take your time and get to REALLY know him, and allow him to really get to know you before you start giving way too much of yourself.
As men, all our lives we have been told that women fit into two categories. The ones you just sleep with, and the ones who are worthy of relationships and commitments. Right or wrong, this is the lesson we've been given. Very promiscuous women often find themselves surrounded by male attention, with few ever sticking around long term. As we get older and people get more in touch with their sexuality, the lines blur. However, what doesn't blur is the reality that a man must have a certain amount of respect for you and who you are to maintain a loving relationship with you. Often times a woman meets a man and quickly starts sleeping with him, cooking for him, and in many ways taking good care of him, yet he won't commit. You know the old adage, if you can get the milk for free, then why buy the cow? It's true. So if you want to go giving away unearned milk, cool. Just know if you're doing it, it's not necessarily the way to a substantive relationship.
Learn to show yourself the same level of patience you have given so many bad relationships. Take your time with yourself. Be forgiving of your mistakes. Put no time constraints on your happiness and well being. And when you do find a spark with someone, resist the urge to let your mind go zooming past the second date down the aisle towards the preacher. Desperate thoughts lead to desperate actions. Sure, the ticking clock is real. But at a certain point all you can do is put yourself in the best possible situation to embrace love. What you can't do is make love embrace you back.
Women, you have no idea just how much power you have. From here on out, know this if you don't know anything, you are worth a million dollars to someone. So act the part.
a) Never chase a man. Remember, you're worth a million bucks, what man wouldn't chase after a million bucks? Initially, if he wants to see you, let him come to you. The minute you put yourself in a situation where you are running behind him, chasing him down, flying to see him, driving to his place at his whim when he hasn't even shown you he's willing to do the same for you--in his eyes, your value diminishes.
b) Invest wisely. Every relationship, no matter how deep or casual is an investment, an investment of you. What defines a good investment is the returns you see on that investment. If you make a small investment of yourself and you see small returns, that's considered a conservative investment. But if you start making risky investments, mind, body, soul, and the only returns are pain and heartache, that's a great way to become emotionally bankrupt. If you value your worth, and understand your power, always invest conservatively. Take your time and learn all about what you're investing in. See how risky or stable of an investment it is before you go investing more and more of yourself.
c) Be specific. Not only are you powerful, the power of words is real. You all have standards, and beyond that, you all know what you want. Yet when you go speaking to the universe, you make really general statements like, "I just want a good man." And bam, you meet a good man. He just happens to be a good man with bad credit and four kids. See, the universe gave you exactly what you asked for, but you weren't specific. So become more specific. Also, know what you REALLY want. Don't say, "I want a handsome man", when you really want a man who won't cheat on you. The universe is listening to your thoughts and your words. Embrace your power, and speak into existence your reality.
Your happiness is not dependent on a romantic relationship. Focus all your energy on being a happy well rounded person. Happy energy resonates with people, and is one of the most magnetic forces on Earth. We all want to be around people who seem like they are carefree and enjoying life, not those drowning in misery. Our worlds get really small when we only focus on our personal problems. When we focus on our blessings and the potential of what's to come, our worlds suddenly seem enormous and very exciting. The best chance you'll ever have of being happy WITH someone, is by first learning how to be happy alone.
Good luck sistas. One luv.
sidenote: Quit taking advice from your bitter female friends. Find an objective male confidant you trust, who isn't trying to date you, and take your men issues to him.
Very well said! I shared this with my Facebook friends, nieces, and other female associates. I was very fortunate to meet a stranger who became a good friend and then my husband. I would not want sistas to overlook strangers, but I do believe they should follow your tips before giving to much of themselves to soon. As my grandmother would say "after the boil (initial excitement), let it simmer (slow it down) then taste what you got" as she compared her secret to a great gumbo and relationship. Thanks for sharing the "brothaly advice".
I think that the problem is that the brothers have become mentally conditioned to look for a "good time" as opposed to a "lifetime", which is what a women is supposed to represent...and the women have lowered their standards and are now OK with being just a "good time".
What they don't tell you is that when good times turn to bad times the "light" goes off in the brother's head. Now he starts looking for a lifetime and the sistas who are now bitter from their own experiences give that good brother "no time".
Result: Single-parent homes and out-of-wedlocks births. This is the "new" family structure...and all because of a "good time".
Pardon me but I'll pass.
Thanks for this Corey. As woman who has been married and single, I think I can testify to the truth in this piece. Two thoughts also occur to me in this order:
"I've learned that, waiting around for a prince is chancy -- he might not ever show up. And even if he does, he might not be able to protect me. Even worse, the guy who can do the best job of taking care of me may not be the one who has my heart. I learned a long time ago to take care of myself! I can choose my prince on my own terms -- or choose to do without one at all."
Women out number men on this planet. I've to learned to be a loving nurturing presence in my own life and in the way I am in the world, as the old folks say "irregardless!" LOL!
and Second:
“truth-tellers are not always palatable. There is a preference for candy bars.” Gwendolyn Brooks
I think the most important part of this essay is this truth:
"Your happiness is not dependent on a romantic relationship."
In this patriarchal culture it is very hard for women to embrace their single selves. It is very hard for us to understand the importance of nurturing our souls with solitude. Quite frankly, many of us are afraid to be alone. This is the paradox that trips us. . . .Significant love begins with love of self. Self love takes time, time alone; time spent in introspection and communion with the creator. This can't be accomplished when most of one's time is spent in pursuit of something outside of yourself. So as you quoted:
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - ralph waldo emerson
I spend time being who I am where I am. I spend time trying to be a blessing in all the spaces, places and feelings I inhabit. . .so just in case he comes or never comes I will be a LOVING presence in this world despite all that may triy to make me otherwise.
I am so happy you are in this world too, young brother. Your example is encouraging!
(This is NighEve from the D. For some reason (probably cause I can't remember my password) blogger world would not let me post as NighEve-Thus the anonymous tag on my comments. . .)
This is NighEve agian. I realized I had more to add in connection with this piece. LOL!
The more you cultivate a loving heart the more you realize love is truly EVERYWHERE!!! Important sustaining love comes in an infinite varieties. So although I may (at the moment) be single, when the 10 year old I mentor laid her head on my shoulder and told me, "You are like my second mom." her love filled me up! When I can have a laugh at a very inside joke with my "favorite" now grown nephew, his love fills me up! When I decide to visit my aging and stroke afflicted dad, and he smiles and hands me the latest copy of of his Discover magazine to take with me; his love fills me up! When I can share a good knock down drag out fight with a old friend and still know the friendship can NEVER die, that love fills me up! When the son I raised as a "single parent" looked up at me a smiled as he crossed the stage at his U of M graduation ceremony; OH HELL TO THE YEAH!!!!! THAT! LOVE! FILLED ME UP!!!!
I could go on, but there's another point. . . every time love fills me up there is always room for much more and I trust there will always be more to come. Measure for measure the more I give the more I get back!
Also consider this. All of us will be lonely from time to time. Even married people are lonely sometimes. Loneliness is an inevitable state of being, as long as you be. Embrace it, but never let it fool you into believing you are alone! That is a big old dirty LIE!!! LOL! Okay I'm done now. Fo real doe!
I really enjoyed this post. However, I do think it's unrealistic for women to limit their dates to people who come with references, particularly when there aren't many men in a woman's immediate or extended social network. And of the men that are in my social network, I really don't want to date my best friend's cousin who's a really good guy with 4 kids, 4 baby's mommas, bad credit, and a warrant for unpaid child support. Ok, that's extreme, but, the point is that sometimes folks really do need to date strangers and move beyond their own networks. Besides, if a woman's single friends are also tryna get their groove back, they're going to be so quick to pass off the good guys to someone else. That whole self-preservation thing kicks in. But patience and getting to know someone over time are key, whether datings strangers or friends or friends/family/etc.
Another poster commented on the "good times" mentality that many folks have. When we talk about why so many women are single, the focus is often on what the women need to do to find a man and find happpiness; there's this implication that they keep making the same chicken-headed mistakes and that they don't know how to get or keep a man. But, many women are single because they refuse to make those bad choices; because they run into men who will preach that they want a woman whom they can respect (sometime in the future), but who really only want a "good time" (right now or tonight). I could tell you stories for days about men who didn't mind asking me to their apartments or trying to have sex with me on the first date, but who then seemed genuinely clueless as to why I'd given them the proverbial hand. Patience IS the reason that so many women are single.
Women have to get it together and could benefit from your tips, because bitterness, anger, disillusionment and a bunch of kids as the only remnants of failed relationships is not a good look. And men need to get it together as well, cus even pimps and playas get old and played out at some point.
Being happy, knowing yourself enough to know what you want and what to ask for, and ignoring your bitter friends can't be stressed enough! Again, great post!
Very nice indeed. P.S. Please consider changing your font/background color. I nearly went cross eyed trying to read your entries! Just some sistaly advice.
good words homie. I like the last part the best. You've helped someone with this. "speak your existence into reality" not many people understand the power of their thoughts and words.
Good shit!
Richard Boadu
what can i say? never disappointed when i arrive @ ur blog. great post that really sheds light. i think u spoke many powerful statements.
the most powerful of them all - women absolutely do not realize how they hold so much power. matter of fact i am going to send this link to my fifteen year old daughter and let it marinate.
still doing it well, hardcore.
Wow, i feel like a spotlight was on my life...the one i have been living. This was not a wake-up call, but a constant reminder, an one i needed to hear again. Thanks for sharing.
Friends may not have high standards because what is okay to them may not be good enough for you...
I think rushing into a relationship is a bad, you have to be friends FIRST...
When it comes to knowing ur power ii think a man becomes a want and not a need...
"Back then dey didn want me now i'm hot dey all on me"-Mike Jones
Ask yourself would you rather have misery or happiness?
Thanks for the knowledge..I'll do better now :-)
@ Don: thanks for leading me here (from your page). :-)
Wow, thanks Cor Cor...it was right on time for me. I placed it on my FB page. :-) Love ya homie!
I'm all late to the party but, this is really wonderful advice. I might have to pass this link on to some folk...thank you.
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