Wednesday, July 12, 2006

double standards

After years of rumors surrounding steroid use, Marion Jones is back to her winning ways.

Marion Jones, Barry Bonds, and Lance Armstrong all have something in common. All are/were considered the top athlete in their sport. All have also been plagued by rumors of steroid use. Although none of the three have tested positive for steroid use, they have all been hounded by rumors, and first person accounts from people who used to be in their inner circle, so-called "ex-friends", who claim they did indeed use steroids. Yet, where as Marion Jones and Barry Bonds have been villified in the media, Lance Armstrong has been celebrated. Just last week, he won yet another "Best Male Athlete of The Year" honor from ESPN. Jones, whose performance started to slip after the birth of her son in '03, had been banned from certain meets on the European circuit because of the speculation. And Bonds, for all of his home run hittng ways, continues to be the target of a federal investigation of steroids in baseball. Even though the steroids issue has to be bigger than one player, all the attention lies soley on Bonds.

QUESTION 4 THE DAY Is this simply an example of racism in its highest form? Or, is there a better explaination for the disparity? You tell me!

1 comment:

Arch City Expatriate said...


Even after Armstrong breaks off his engagement to starlette, Sheryl Crow, while she was battling (or recovering) from breast cancer - they (the media) still do not vilify him.

Not that they should, but like you said there is a double-standard.