Monday, June 12, 2006

10 questions

10) Does Billie Holiday's life fortell how the Whitney Houston story will end?

9) Why would the Root's name their new single "Don't Feel Right".........when it doesn't?

8) How come you always hear a huge buzz surrounding women who pose for Playboy, but you never hear anything about them afterwards?

7) If all the rappers are making drug dealer music, who's going to make something creative or something regular folks can relate to?

6) If you slid a white sheet over Bill Cosby's head, would it make him sound any more uninformed than he already does?

5) Is there a correlation between a black man cutting his mustache and rumors about his sexuality?

4) Wouldn't shooting yourself in the head be a lot better than joining up with these fools?

3) Isn't it hard to believe that back in the day this lady was actually a very pretty woman?

2) If Bonds and other hitters did use steroids, did they really have an advantage if the pitchers were using illegal substances as well?

1) Will "Hip Hop Is Dead" be proof that hip hop actually isn't?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is Hip-Hop dead? Yet remains unanswered. Depends on if it can make a push to survive and overtake this garbage that is mainstreamed today. Can you believe this, last night while watching the game a commercial aired for one of those ipods, and it was Jay-Z showing it off, at the end of the commercial it said, "Jay-Z, CEO of Hip-Hop". This is an outrage and if Hip-Hop is dead he is one of the main reasons.