Thursday, May 25, 2006

back in the day moment #27

When I was a kid, if you wanted to know the exact time and temperature, you had to dial a number. How crazy is that!!! I remember how it would go down. A storm would come through and the lights would go off. Not long, just long enough to mess all the clocks up in the house. So my folks would tell me or my sister to, "call time". Now, I was like every other little kid. I could tell you what time it was just by what was on TV. It was pretty easy for me to turn to Different Strokes, and figure out, since they had gotten to the "message" part of the show, that meant it was roughly about seven minutes to the top of the hour. My logic didn't work for my folks. They wanted the exact time. Mind you, this was before cable tv, and that station with the program guide that always posts the correct time. This was before everybody had a cell phone, or a laptop that kept the exact time for you. This was back when wind up wrist watches were the norm, and everybody's wrist was about 5 minutes off from the next man's. So what did we do? We "called time". The time number was usually a number to a bank or a local tv station. When you called, you got an automated voice that told you the exact time and temperature. I remember having the number memorized, so I guess that means we must have been resetting our clocks a lot. I know I'm not the only one who remembers doing this. Anyway, "calling time", back in the day moment #27. One luv.

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