Thursday, February 16, 2006


by hardCore

if i could
i'd dump my darkest secrets
in your lap

just to watch your eyes BULGE and POP
wide open

with surprise, with disappointment , with resentment

as you slowly changed the way you look
and think
of me

but deep down
i've always known

i was never the brotha
you thought you knew

i was the brotha
you wanted to know

when you didn't know nothing
when you wanted to know everything
when you needed to know something
or someone

when you needed a hard laugh
a dry place to cry
a tight hug
an ear

i became that brotha for you
and perfect

i put forth the best of me and hid the rest
now the years are swelling inside my chest


there is more to me

there are insecurities, regrets, indiscretions
loneliness, evil

even cowardice thinking

feelings i'm dying to share with you
feelings i never wanted to conceal from you
feelings i always wanted to reveal to you
but i can't

cause you never really wanted to know me


you only wanted to know... Superman

© 2002 3rd Eye Open Publishing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the artwork, who do i have to ask permission from to use it for a bookcover (self published)