Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
10 biggest lies about us
1. The Tale Of Tarzan
This is the belief that African people were totally uncivilized until whites came in and conquered them. False.
2. Free Whites, Black Slaves
20 Africans landed at Jamestown, Virginia, in August 1619, a year before the arrival of the Mayflower. They were free. When the pilgrims arrived, they came with indentured servants, i.e. white slaves. Some of the first whites were slaves.
3. The Immaculate White Creation
The belief that America was the exclusive creation of Europeans. Africans were actually the first explorers of America. When
the first Spanish and French explorers entered America, they noted that Africans were living among the Indians.
4. Sambo in Wonderland
Although the shiftless shuck and jive Sambo image has been exploited, most slaves responded to slavery with tremendous resistance, often resorting to the ultimate rebellion, suicide.
5. The Great Emancipator
The Emancipation Proclamation did not free the slaves, nor was it intended to. That document was written in a way that it left 95% of the slaves in bondage. Our people were actually freed by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which was ratified on December 18,1865.
6. The Black Family Myth
Believe it or not, according to plantation records, most blacks during slavery grew up with a mother and a father. In fact, all the way through Jim Crow, census reports show the black family was every bit as stable as those in White America. This dispels the myth that the majority of our people came from families ripped apart by slavery.
7. The Missing Economic Gene
There is an overwhelming belief that there is no black business tradition. By the American Revolution, there were scores of prominent Black business leaders, including Samuel Fraunces, owner of New York' s Fraunces's Tavern, the favorite watering hole of George Washington, and James Forten, who employed 40 workers, Black and White, in his Philadelphia sail factory.
8. Fairy tale of White Generosity
The majority of black slaves reached freedom because of internal giving within the race, not white generosity. By 1831 there were more than 43 Black benevolent or mutual aid societies in Philadelphia alone, runned by free blacks.
9. Crabs in a Barrel
We have been generalized as a people who continually try to pull each other down. False. In every era of our history, you'll see prominent black leaders and businessmen who had full support of the people.
10. Myth of the Absent Black Worker
We have been labeled as a lazy people. However, the wealth of this country was founded on what Abraham Lincoln called "the 250 years of unrequited toil" of Black men and women.
(paraphrased from: Bennett, Lerone Jr, 10 biggest lies about black history. , Ebony, 05-01-2001, pp 86.)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
a moment of silence
1973 - 2006

The entire 3rd Eye Open family sends our deepest regrets and sympathies to the family of Deshaun "Proof" Holston, D12, the Iron Fist Records Family, and the entire Detroit artist community. Proof's loss comes as a shocking blow to our tight knit circle of Detroit artists. Another unnamed man is also in critical condition following the early morning shooting that claimed Proof's life. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, as well as our brotha Khalid El-Hakim who was very close friends with Proof. Keep your head up Khalid.
The entire 3rd Eye Open family sends our deepest regrets and sympathies to the family of Deshaun "Proof" Holston, D12, the Iron Fist Records Family, and the entire Detroit artist community. Proof's loss comes as a shocking blow to our tight knit circle of Detroit artists. Another unnamed man is also in critical condition following the early morning shooting that claimed Proof's life. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, as well as our brotha Khalid El-Hakim who was very close friends with Proof. Keep your head up Khalid.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
blue devils or white devils?
I'm definitely no religious freak, but I've always felt weird about universities who use words like devils and demons in their team names. It always seemed odd and inappropriate to me. What are they really trying to say? Is this some kind of not so subliminal, subliminal message? Should we write it off as nothing, or take it as a compelling statement about that university? Well, how's this for irony, it seems the blue devils, who are actually young white men, have indeed been up to some devilish activities. Not only are there allegations of a rape and sodomy, but now there's an email that graphically discusses torture and murder fantasy. All this from a lacrosse team, at one of the nation's most prestigious, widely celebrated universities.
If FORTY supervised college-aged men, wearing uniforms, working together to win a game, is a TEAM. Then FORTY unsupervised college-aged men, out of uniform, in concert during a criminal activity, is nothing more than a STREET GANG. Make no mistake about it, that many unsupervised college aged men, plus three naked women, is a recipe for disaster. Even if the women in question had been white, from privleged backgrounds, and were also students of Duke University. So one can only imagine how this scenario plays out when the victim in question is black, and alcohol, racism, and white privilege are present. As of now "mums" the word from the lacrosse team. But already many of the seniors from the team, who had accepted jobs, are having those jobs renig on their offers. See, there's more than one way to skin a cat. And I'm sure, it's only a matter of time before members of that team begin to come forward and tell all. But the question still remains, why did "it" happen in the first place?
The alleged victim was black, and also a non-Duke University student, which is very telling. As a black man who attended a university where blacks were less than 2% of the population, I understand that blacks, ON CAMPUS, despite all the drama, stick together. When I was in school, if a sista who attended the university, was raped by a gang of white dudes, in say, a nearby frat house, there would have been hell to pay. The night it happened, there probably would have been a black contingent at that house, looking to take names and ask questions never. The culprits would've had to deal with every black person on campus who knew the victim, or who heard of the racial implications of the event. Because blacks on white university campuses have no one to rely on accept themselves, they self-police. And a lot of this 'self-policing" prevents certain racial situations from happening. But the girl in the Duke scenario was a local, an outsider to the Duke world. She was also a stripper, who probably hadn't made her occupation public knowledge to all of her friends. And she attended an entirely different school. For those guys on that lacrosse team, she didn't represent someone they had to see one a daily basis. Or someone who's boyfriend they might bump into on campus. To them, they were white, powerful Dukies, and she was simply, black and disposable. And that's, why "it" happened.
If this were just about a rape, it'd be disgusting enough. But it's not. It's about the clash of out of towners and locals. White privilege vs. black working class. And university athletics vs. society at large. And the saddest part of all is, it unveils the progressive mask this country hides behind, to reveal the ugly racist face of past generations. If it's possible that "Duke's finest", educated children of privilege, who many would consider the future leaders of this country, are guilty of what they've been accused of, then what does that say for this country's future? May the truth come to light. One.
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